Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dr. Kate, My Fifth Visit, An Adjustment Sounds Nice? by Mama to be, Abby Jordan

The week before last I absolutely could not wait for my end of the week adjustment. I felt like I had overdone it and literally NEEDED to see Dr. Kate. This week by Thursday night I started thinking that an adjustment sounded good. I wasn't dying for it but was happy that I had an appointment scheduled for Friday morning.

She checked everything that she normally checks and found the same old offenders. My neck, the middle of my back, my pelvis, my hip and my knee. I'm not being technical at all but these are the little things that slip and slide a little (remember relaxin?) and start the hurting. She also adjusted my pubic symphysis. I had no idea that was hurting but when she applied some pressure it felt tender. My pelvis had been tilting back, causing my, let's say it again: "pubic symphysis" to get out of alignment.

To me, it seemed like all the adjustments Dr. Kate had been making for the last 5 weeks had been gradually getting everything back into place. I asked her how she thought the progress was and she explained a few things. She was seeing less of a shift from the offending vertebrae and other bones because they were starting to feel more comfortable back in their original positions. She also explained the muscles around them were healing a bit from the damage to them after being out of alignment for so long. The last thing she explained was that the reasons that these same places continue to slip and move could have to do with being a creature of habit. Maybe my neck is always off in the same place because of how I sleep or work at my desk. They could all be factors.

We've decided to push the next appointment out for two weeks. I'm 33-1/2 weeks pregnant and will definitely continue to see her up until I deliver. Ideally, she will give me an adjustment and then I will go into labor so I know that everything is perfectly aligned! Wishful thinking, of course.

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